The word “compliance“ refers to the set of processes implemented by a company to prevent potential breaches of the law or of ethics by the company or its employees.
Tepsa applies a Code of ethics, in which the social, ethical and environmental principles that the group wishes to be observed by all in all places are reasserted. These principles include:
· Safety and environmental protection;
· Fight against corruption in all its forms;
· Respect for human rights;
· Respect for competition rules;
· Prevention of conflicts of interest;
· Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Guides, fact sheets and internal policies supplement the code of ethics by guiding employees in the daily implementation of the principles (anti-corruption guide, gifts and invitations policy, declaration procedure, etc.).
To raise employees’ awareness of the compliance risk and ensure the rules provided by the code of ethics and internal policies are implemented, Tepsa regularly conducts employees – training sessions.
A whistleblowing system is available to anyone involved with Tepsa in the form of a secure platform. The terms of the system are detailed on the platform.
Tepsa commits to observing strict confidentiality regarding the identity of the whistleblower and the reported
facts for alerts issued selflessly and in good faith.
Tepsa will never take retaliation measures (such as discrimination or harassment) against a whistleblower who reported facts selflessly and in good faith even if the outlined allegations finally prove to be inaccurate or if the alert is closed with no further action taken.
Tepsa Infra - Société par actions simplifiée Au capital de 264 644 830 euros immatriculée au R.C.S. de Paris sous le numéro 879 860 245 Siège social 33, avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS - France
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