We connect industries with people through safe storage solutions.
We preserve essential products in sustainable ways.
We are an independent leader in the storage of industrial liquid bulk products.
We are committed to providing flexible, reliable and responsible solutions for our customers, connecting industries to society.
We aim to create positive, long-term impact by employing high safety and quality standards across all our operations.
We aim to serve our clients in the most efficient, reliable and sustainable way possible. Our values shape our corporate culture and the way we do business. They are embodied by our employees every day.
Safety is in our DNA: safety of our employees, of everyone involved in our operations, and of the wider communities in which we operate.
We employ rigorous standards to ensure the safety of every product in our care.
We actively promote a culture of prevention, health and safety.
We endeavour to anticipate future trends and contribute to a rapidly-changing sector.
We are agile, and quickly adapt to new challenges.
We are confident in our ability to forge a new path and make a real difference.
We promote a working culture that attracts innovative talent and empowers our people, so we can reach new levels of excellence for our customers and wider society
We are focused on being a long-term partner in our customers’ supply chain.
We are committed to providing adapted, reliable and responsible solutions for every customer, foreseeing their needs.
We align ourselves to our customers’ goals, and care for the quality of their products.
We work to maintain a high level of trust across every relationship and project.
We act honestly because we have deep respect for what we do, for our colleagues and our customers, for the communities we serve and for the environment.
We actively promote fairness and mutual respect in all our relationships.
We are committed to acting ethically, fairly and honestly, to make a positive impact on society, today and in the future.
We live up to our commitment to creating a more sustainable industry.
This commitment is embedded at the centre of our long-term vision.
We believe everyone can prosper while also being respectful to people and the eviroment.
We are key enablers of the energy transition.
Tepsa Infra - Société par actions simplifiée Au capital de 264 644 830 euros immatriculée au R.C.S. de Paris sous le numéro 879 860 245 Siège social 33, avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS - France
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