Message from Tepsa Iberia

January 21, 2025, was the most difficult day in Tepsa Iberia’s history as a company. The loss of a human life is the saddest moment in the 60 years we have been present in the Port of Barcelona.

We thank our team at the Barcelona terminal for controlling the emergency within 10 minutes.

The Barcelona terminal restarted normal operations the following day.

Immediately after the accident, which occurred during tank maintenance works being performed by an external contractor, the company activated an in-depth investigation.

We have undertaken actions to reinforce, where necessary, safety measures.

We are fully committed to being Always Safe.

PRESS RELEASE – Tepsa Iberia terminal in the Port of Barcelona [January 21, 2025 – 12:20 pm]

This morning at 10.10 am there was an explosion in a tank at the Tepsa Iberia terminal in the Port of Barcelona.

Safety protocols were immediately activated. The situation is secured.

We report a fatality, and one person injured, transferred to hospital.

We are currently cooperating with the competent authorities in the investigation of the accident, the rest of the facilities are unaffected.

More information on the accident will follow shortly.

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