
Cybersecurity & More

Security and cybersecurity are very important for us: we perform regular inspections, such as ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) Audits at our terminals as they are located in restricted areas. Some of our sites are included in a national portfolio of critical facilities and subject to extra security measures.

Regarding cybersecurity, we are conscious of the ever-growing threat from hackers, privacy violation, viruses, and internet fraud and have implemented procedures to protect our computer systems and data from unauthorized personnel. On a daily basis we run several digital operations, and cybersecurity has become crucial: it is part of the quality service we deliver.

We are also an AEO “Authorized Economic Operator” with customs certifications.

We have ISCC certification according to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) to ensure the traceability of bio products, and in some locations we are part of a Responsible Care programme.

Sustainable Storage Solutions for everyday life - with a new brand, a new look, and a new website.