We operate 15 terminals (deployed on 27 classified industrial sites). The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) teams are committed to a continuous process aimed at improving measures and procedures relating to the security of property and the safety of people. Strict industrial health and safety standards are applied by all subsidiaries and joint ventures.
Our efforts are focused on keeping our employees, our service providers and our facilities always safe. To prevent accidents and ensure the safety of our customers and local residents, we rigorously maintaininternational standards related to environmental management, occupational health, safety and quality management. Since 1994, we have been certified for ISO 9001 & 14001, EMAS, ISO 1800, and undergo CDI-T and other inspections.
By continuously investing in our facilities and upgrading them to comply with the strictest environmental and safety standards, we’re demonstrating our commitment to people and to the environment—through tangible actions. These investments ensure the reliability of our operations and, as a result, our competitiveness. On average, our investments in this area for the last years were around €27 million per year.
To maintain our leadership position, we prioritize a robust safety culture that permeates our organization. Over many years, we have continually improved workplace safety through safe installations, comprehensive training, and refresher courses to enhance our safety culture. We employ systematic, organized and consistent methods to identify, access and mitigate the remaining risks that cannot be entirely eliminated. Our unwavering goal is to ensure the safety and health of our employees, stakeholders, and the communities we serve. Proactive safety practices are fundamental to every aspect of our operations.
Our policy is based on prevention and attaining objectives aimed at improving health and safety conditions with our continuous target of having no accidents! Training in health and safety at work is ongoing and cross-sectional. It includes both operational aspects and emergency situations.
Safety is part of our DNA: we encourage an open “speak up” culture. Safety observation tours are conducted by all our employees. During these observations, open discussions take place to make improvements to workplace health and safety—together. A positive safety approach with everyone’s involvement truly works! Always Safe isn’t just a statement; it’s how we work and live!
Every year we organise a Safety Campaign across all Tepsa terminals. These campaigns focus on the most important items to pay attention to each year with themes ranging from Life Saving Rules, Safety Values as well as specific items such as Management of Change. The content draws on the expertise and experience we have within the group, in particular the information shared among our various sites. This campaign actively contributes to increasing our safety culture and empowering our employees to proactively identify and report dangerous situations.
An integral and very important part of each year’s campaign is our Safety Day where all employees dedicate a full day to focussing on Safety with colleagues from the offices visiting all our sites.
Tepsa Infra - Société par actions simplifiée Au capital de 264 644 830 euros immatriculée au R.C.S. de Paris sous le numéro 879 860 245 Siège social 33, avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS - France
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